Sodore peace make.!!


Sodore our work of peace make is, blog writing all only, web category of web portal siting seeks of, popular big mm-access is cups, the liberty novels.

Soo city peace make logics


We are not ignorant of peace. We are already born as people. We are not ignorant of harmony. We are already being raised. We seek to be independent. We aim to become citizens. Therefore, we are prepared to live long lives. Therefore, we possess a philosophy to maintain peace. We can be alone quietly. We have composure and friends. We recognize our country as people with hearts that give love. In other words, we live our lives with a philosophy of life.

"blog portal site"

New web company

your profile



We are silent and we do politics.


Presidental Gover force


i = me


Sodore statements


このわたし達の思いをブログする SODORE web business を構想している現在です。単純に純粋なる自己の思いを綴るウェブ・ブログではあり、ゆえに、広く深く、地方で暮らすわたし達の思いを世界の皆様は知ることができえます。遠く離れていても、この星なる地球を愛する心は同じであり、再び愚かな戦争を起こさないための人間的教育力学の充実に努めております。わたし達はもう二度と戦争などは行いません。もう二度と不幸なる国の貧困を誘導することもありません。わたし達はこの廃れゆく街で、未来の生活スタイルを実践する取り組みを行っております。

We spend our days quietly living our lives in the local city of Soo. The town is destined to fall into disuse and disappear. Nevertheless, we spare no effort to revive this town. We work hard every day, and look forward to love and hearts from the world.

We are currently planning a SODORE web business to blog about our thoughts. This is a simple and pure web blog that writes about our thoughts, so that the world can know our thoughts about living in the countryside widely and deeply. Even if we are far apart, our hearts that love this planet Earth are the same, and we are working to enrich human educational dynamics so that foolish wars will not occur again. We will never wage war again. We will never induce poverty in an unfortunate country again. We are working to practice a lifestyle of the future in this decaying town.


わたし達は皆様と共に生きる Japan Space Sodore です

We support and assist disappearing planets and a dying universe.

We are Japan Space Sodore, living together with you.

Welfare Receipt Movement

* You will never receive of all property assets of fortune estate.

Property is not capital.

Retrofits are not assets.

Relationships are not funds.

Men's wealth and women's wealth

We are the human race of the Earth, men and women who are writing about our youth

We are grateful, we are thankful

We believe in God

The Prime Minister pledges to the world that the Constitutional Government is a powerful authority and that the Charter will continue to support the nation as a universal nation.








感謝申しあげます 謝意申し上げます



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